Student of the month

Student of the month April 2010

Pra TK

  1. M. Ghaizan Ramadhan
    (Family of the month: "Mr. Muhammad Fadly & Mrs. Woro Astiasih A)
  2. Muhammad Andru Rafasyah
    (" Student Who Has Improved His Enthusiasm In Class Activity")
  3. Muhammad Andru Rafasyah
    ("Student who has improved his enthusiasme in class activity")
  4. Muhammad Andru Rafasyah
    (" Student Who Has Improved His Enthusiasm In Class Activity")


  1. Alvin Faeyza Ramadhan
    ("Student who has improved his enthusiasme in class activity")
  2. Nadia Aisyatul Malicha Sofian
    (Family of the month: " Mr. Safrinal S & Mrs. Vinita F")


  1. Nollie Fatima Arlandi
    ("Student who is good in using english daily conversation")
  2. Quincy Enha Affayyadh
    (Family of the month: "Mr. Herliansyah M & Mrs. Endah M")
  3. Radithya Axelle Farzana Ananda Tysa
    ("Student who has more interest in discovery center activity")

WA Kami