Student of the month

Student of the month November 2019

TK A Orchid Class

  1. Kazimkha Ali Nurabadi
    (student who is friendly to all friends)
  2. Muhammad Ayatullah Akbar
    (family of the month)
  3. Rais Nahdhiyan Ar Rasyid
    (student who has improved his abbility in reciting iqra & du'a)

TK B Tulip Class

  1. Adzkianda Putri Wijaya
    (family of the month)
  2. Denishwara Anargya Armandani
    (student who has initiative to say salam to teacher)
  3. Nmra. Risang Sekar Kedhaton
    (student who has improved her confidence to greet and say salam clearly)

Student of the month October 2019

Pra TK Sunflower Class

  1. Keisya Athira Chandra
    (student who is able to control her movement in classroom)
  2. Muhammad Alwi Zain
    (family of the month)

TK A Orchid Class

  1. Bryan Arka Ardiansyah
    (family of the month)
  2. Rumaisha Latifah Rahmani
    (student who is diligent to come earlier)
  3. Shams Arga Akhmad
    (student who being nice when eat at snack time)

TK B Tulip Class

  1. Eiji Ahmad Arfahim
    (student who is confident to speak english)
  2. M. Rafa Pranaja
    (family of the month)
  3. Viglylla Dewanda Putri Nurhadi
    (student who is independent in daily activities)

WA Kami